
Elvis vs The Beatles timeline examined in free audiobook on YouTube



“Elvis and The Beatles” book by Trina Young uncovers the similarities and differences between Elvis Presley and The Beatles

As John Lennon said, “Without Elvis, there would be no Beatles.”

Starting in 1964, The Beatles were constantly compared to Elvis as being the only musical act that could rival him in terms of popularity and record sales. 

When we look back on music history, we tend to focus on the timeline of one artist’s career, and forget what was going on with other artists at the same time. The book, Elvis and The Beatles, compares and contrasts the timelines of Presley’s career and The Beatles career from the 50s to the 70s to see what they were each doing at the time and how they interacted with each other. 

Music fans may be surprised to learn that there were a lot more interactions between them and their managers behind the scenes than most people know about. And while we know that Elvis influenced the Beatles at the start of their career in the late 1950s, he was still influencing them after they had become famous. For example, according to Paul McCartney, one of Elvis’ unique projects influenced The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album. (Listen to Chapter 6 to find out)

And not only that, The Beatles influenced Elvis to create and pour his heart into his acclaimed gospel album, How Great Thou Art

Also, it is surprising how many similar experiences Elvis and The Beatles both had in their careers and personal lives. For example, while Elvis was going on his own spiritual journey in the mid-1960s by exploring different faiths including Eastern religions, The Beatles went through their journey in public just a few years later with their infamous association with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

Enjoy listening to all 10 chapters of “Elvis and The Beatles: Love and Rivalry Between the Two Biggest Acts of the 20th Century” (note: feel free to skip around if you’d like since the chapters are organized chronologically for the most part):

Or, if you’d prefer to read the book in hard copy or e-book format, purchase here


Chapter 1: A Boy From Tupelo (1935 to 1955)


Chapter 2: Heartbreak Hotel (1956 to 1959)


Chapter 3: A Hard Day’s Night in Germany (1960 to 1963)


Chapter 4: The King vs The Fab Four (1964)


Chapter 5: It was a night, such a night (1965)


Chapter 6: Banning The Beatles (1966 to 1968)


Chapter 7: Breakups and Comebacks (1969 to 1976)


Chapter 8: Gone Too Soon (1977 to 1980)


Chapter 9: The Next Chapter (1981 to the future)


Chapter 10: Who was bigger: Elvis or The Beatles?


If you’d prefer to read the book in hard copy or e-book format, purchase here

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