The Autism Research Institute is sponsoring a new Beatles “Art and Artifacts” exhibit to be held at the Edgeware Gallery in San Diego from December 26 through February 14, 2010. The exhibit will feature a range of Beatles artwork “from local San Diego artists (including a father whose son is on the autism spectrum), to artists from Canada and Germany,” according to Steve Edelson, director of the Autism Research Institute and Edgeware Gallery.
In addition to the art, Edgeware will display a variety of Beatles artifacts that most people probably haven’t seen before.
“We’re going to have an actual brick from the Liverpool Cavern Club, a piece of the stage from the Hamburg Star Club, and we’ll have pieces of sheets that the Beatles slept on. We even tracked down the TV producer who bought the sheets from the hotels in 1964, and came up with the idea – he’s coming down from LA for the opening. We’ll probably have a few dozen artifacts total,” says Edelson. “The idea is to create an exciting event, and leverage the huge fan base of the Beatles to support autism research.”
To add to the Beatles experience, the crowd will hear rare audio recordings of Beatles outtakes, bloopers, and alternate studio takes. There will also be a rare color video of the Beatles playing a complete concert in Japan in 1965, with lots of closeups of the “moptops.” And San Diego favorite, recording artist Gregory Page will perform a medley of acoustic Beatles songs in honor of the occasion.
The opening night reception for Beatles: Art and Artifacts will be held on Sunday, December 26 from 5-9 p.m. The Edgeware Gallery is located at 4182 Adams Ave, San Diego, CA 92116; phone 619.534.8120.
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