
American Beatles fan purchases George Harrison Liverpool home to offer as Airbnb


How would you like to own a home once lived in by a Beatle?

That’s what a New Hampshire second-generation Beatles fan, Ken Lambert, pondered this past November when George Harrison’s family home in Speke, Liverpool went up for auction. On a whim, Ken put in his offer for £171,000 (approximately $223,00 US) which became the winning bid.

George Harrison lived in the home with his family from age 6 to 19. This is the first time the home will be accessible to the public.

Daytrippin’ recently interviewed Ken via email about his exciting new purchase:

Question: Had you ever been to Liverpool before you bought the home? If so, had you visited any of the Beatles childhood homes before – including this one?     

Ken Lambert:  I had never been to Liverpool (or England) prior to January of this year, when I went to purchase/complete on the property.  I have yet to visit John’s or Paul’s Liverpool homes.  They were closed in January and February when I was in town.   I bid on the property without seeing it in person.

Question: What prompted you to buy the home? 

Ken Lambert: I have been a Beatles fan for a long time (high school/ maybe earlier), and a George fan since college.  I thought this was a very unique opportunity to own truly a piece of Beatles, and rock and roll, history.  So, I decided to place an online bid on the property (at the auction).  I did not really anticipate winning the bid/property.  But since then, I have worked hard to put the home into a circumstance where it will be enjoyed by fans.

Caption: Ken Lambert (right) recreates the photo of George Harrison standing
in front of his Speke home in Liverpool.

Question: How did you feel when you first entered the home? Describe walking up the stairs to see George’s bedroom.   

Ken Lambert: I first entered the home while meeting the former owner, doing a site walk-thru.  We walked around and I was really looking at the condition of the place; I was there on a technical basis, not really as a “fan”.  It was the next day, after we completed the transaction, when I went over to Upton Green by myself, and then walked around the house alone- that I really felt the experience of being there.  That was really excellent- it is hard to put it into words.  It was a surreal feeling to be where George grew up, and where the Quarrymen and the Beatles rehearsed.

Question: How much renovation did you have to do to the home? How did you find wallpaper that resembled the Harrison’s original wallpaper seen in several photos of George as a child/teenager?  

Ken Lambert: The home was in pretty decent condition, but was totally vacant, and it needed a little bit of minor cosmetic work.  Plus some cleaning, including in the backyard.   Trying to match the front room wallpaper was quite an episode.  A lengthy search culminated with my wife finally locating a great match (online), and that is what we purchased and hung there.  If you compare black and white photos of then and now- it looks very close.  It was important for me to try to match that room as much as feasible.

Caption: George Harrison’s Speke home, then (left) and now (right)

Question: How did you become a Beatles fan and do you have a special admiration for George? 

Ken Lambert: I became a Beatles fan probably in 7th or 8th grade; I always gravitated to “older” music.  When it was the late 1980’s I usually was listening to 50’s and 60’s music- which of course included much of the Beatles.  I do consider George as my favorite Beatle, and I enjoy all his solo work including the Traveling Wilburys.  I would not have bought the former homes of any of the other Beatles.

Question: What do you want Beatles fans to experience when they stay there? What should people know about renting the home?

Ken Lambert:  I think there is so much there, even if George is not your “favorite”.  The sense of history there is amazing.  To be in the front room, or George’s bedroom, and strum a guitar in the very room where George, John, and Paul played guitar- that is just awesome.  Hard to beat that.   One can also play old Beatles (and George) records on our stand-up turntable, within a Beatles old home.  That is very special as well.  And one of the best parts is- you can take pictures or videos in the home, which is a great memento to share and keep.

People should keep in mind that Upton Green, and Speke in general, is not really a typical tourist destination.  It is a very normal neighborhood of families and people going to work each day, and just living their lives.  I’d like our guests and visitors at 25 Upton Green to respect that.

For more info, check out the Airbnb listing here


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