
New online course traces The Beatles’ first visit to America in 1964


Whether you were alive in February 1964 or not, every Beatles fan knows the significance of the group’s first visit to America. All the entertainment forces collided at once to make the second week in February the most impactful week in the history of rock and roll, and of course, The Beatles’ career.

It was 58 years ago at this time that the U.S. was preparing for The Beatles arrival in America! During the month of January 1964, “The Beatles Are Coming” campaign was spreading like wildfire in anticipation of this group of four lads from Liverpool coming to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964. It was a 14-day visit that changed history, changed the world and changed the lives of so many music fans.

But too often, these monumental two weeks get compacted into a single video clip or paragraph in the story of The Beatles. Now it’s time to go back and re-live the Beatles visit, day by day, hour by hour. Go behind the scenes to see what was happening from The Beatles’ point of view.

No one could predict the extraordinary impact The Beatles would have during this first visit. In fact, The Beatles were so busy and riding high in England and Europe that they barely had time to think about their trip to the U.S.

Watch here as John Lennon is asked in late December 1963 about The Beatles’ upcoming trip to America:


In a curriculum that spans a course of 4 weeks, Daytrippin’ is offering their new exclusive online course called The 1964 Beatles Invasion: Conquering America.

In The 1964 Beatles Invasion course, you’ll go back to this historic time and examine what happened to The Beatles day by day and week by week during the months of January and February 1964.

The course offers detailed lectures that illustrate key insights into Beatles history, filled with in-depth reporting, audio and video examples and exclusive interviews with industry insiders and experts of music history.

In only 4 weeks, you can become an expert on The 1964 Beatles Invasion learning behind-the-scenes details about what The Beatles experienced in New York, Washington DC and Miami. Plus you’ll be able to interact with the course instructor and your fellow students.

Following the enthusiasm of students who took Daytrippin’s first two courses, on The Early Beatles and 1963 Beatles History, fans can now continue their journey by learning behind-the-scenes stories of The Beatles’ personal and professional lives in 1964 when The Beatles conquered America. 

Here are reviews from previous students:

“The course was perfect! It was very insightful and drives passion about The Beatles!” – Student, 1963 Beatles History course

“Excellent course that leaves me overflowing with admiration for our boys.”
– Arturo Romero, Dallas TX

“I looked forward to and enjoyed the lessons each week. I have been a Beatles fan since 1964 and I look to learn more about their history. I look forward to more Beatles history courses. Thank you, Trina!” – Student, 1963 Beatles History course

The course “The Early Beatles” was very informative even for a first-generation Beatle fan. I learned some things that I didn’t know before about the Beatles. I would recommend this course to all Beatle fans and others who are interested in music.
– Kathleen Leaf, Derry, PA, USA

On February 9, 1964, when I was 11 years old I saw The Beatles perform on TV during The Ed Sullivan Show and I instantly became a fan of their music. This Daytrippin’ course has enhanced my enjoyment of the music of The Beatles.
– Brian Bingham, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Daytrippin’ publisher and course instructor Trina Young is excited to offer Beatles fans a chance to share ideas and learn fascinating discoveries online for much less than it would cost to take a college class. The online platform makes learning fun with quizzes, extra reading materials and student-instructor feedback. 

Find out more about the course at this link:


Sign up for the course today and get $10 off!

This course is brought to you by Daytrippin’ Magazine, the most FAB Beatles journalism online! For over 20 years, Daytrippin’ has offered in-depth interviews and exclusive Beatles articles you won’t find anywhere else.


For more Beatles news, follow Daytrippin on Twitter and Facebook.



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