
Paul McCartney and daughters, Mary and Stella McCartney, ask everyone to support ‘meat free monday’ campaign


The MEAT FREE MONDAY campaign was officially launched on June 15, 2009. Paul McCartney, his daughters Stella and Mary McCartney, Yoko Ono and many other celebrities were in attendance.

Watch a video about the ‘Meat Free Monday’ launch:

Over the last few years scientific data on livestock’s contribution to climate change has been increasing. Having a MEAT FREE MONDAY every week is a simple way to start making a real difference in the world. The more people who join in, the more difference we can make.

Sir Paul McCartney explains:
“I think many of us feel helpless in the face of environmental challenges, and it can be hard to know how to sort through the advice about what we can do to make a meaningful contribution to a cleaner, more sustainable, healthier world. Having one designated meat free day a week is actually a meaningful change that everyone can make, that goes to the heart of several important political, environmental and ethical issues all at once. For instance it not only addresses pollution, but better health, the ethical treatment of animals, global hunger and community and political activism.”

The Meat Free Monday website will feature useful tips and recipes from Linda McCartney’s cookbooks as well as the UK’s leading chefs. It will also provide a community of support and information for those who want to know more about the way diet choices can influence a healthier environment.

The campaign is supported by Linda McCartney Foods. The complete Linda McCartney range can be found on the brand new Linda McCartney Foods website.

Watch a video of Linda McCartney talking about her first vegetarian cookbook, Home Cooking


For more info, visit the official website (