
September 5, 2017
by fabchick

Top 10 Beatle Musical Moments: An analysis of their recording accomplishments

By Ken Womack Why do the Fab Four endure when so many others fade quietly into popular music’s often unforgiving sunset? Beyond the glossy packaging and the culture (indeed, the counter-culture) of Beatlemania, what are the sonic nuances that made … Continue reading

October 31, 2011
by fabchick

The Case for Authenticity: ‘Love Me Tender’ by Stuart Sutcliffe

by Liscio What Stuart Sutcliffe fan hasn’t wished to learn as much as possible about the fascinating young artist and Beatle?  His time with us was short yet incredibly creative; every surfacing artwork, picture, letter or anecdote is pored over … Continue reading

December 8, 2009
by fabchick

Do You Believe? A Serious Discussion about John Lennon’s Afterlife

By Shelley Germeaux, Daytrippin’ West Coast Correspondent * [Editor’s note: This article, originally published on Daytrippin’s site in 2006, is one of our most popular articles on John Lennon. We decided to re-post it today in remembrance of John Lennon … Continue reading